Cabin Fever Rescue
So, that was an interesting week, eh? We've been talking about gemstones alot in our house. Partly because on our little birthday excursion and whilst walking around downtown, Thing 1 and I slipped into a little shop and found some gorgeous raw gemstones. Something very affordable to see your kiddo pick up and dazzle at and so I forked over a few buck so we could each get one or two. It's partly that and partly that Maine is full of fascinating stones and our property is home to some really interesting ones. So, we've been talking about how wild it is that a seemingly boring stone on the outside can be chipped away a little bit and become something fascinating or, when thrown in a rock tumbler and polished - become a gleaming jewel. Fascinating, really - isn't it? Only, if you were to take that process as a theme - it would seem that last week was the tumbling about and not yet feeling pretty part - LOL.
The birthday, however, was awesome. I mean, after all, doncha think there would be one or two stones in the tumbler that you wouldn't mind tumbling into so much? Either because you could have fun talking to that rock or because that rock has a cool tune on it's Ipod or because, well, you know - it's one of those rocks. Sadly, there are very few rocks that you could bump into that would potentially be one of 'those rocks'. Proof, I guess, that life isn't always fair. But, let me get my mind out of the gutter and back on the birthday - it was awesome and, if you are at all curious - she's tiger's eye, carnelian, and citrine and I'm moonstone, rose quartz and bloodstone because, you know, everybody's got a dark side - mwah ha ha ha!
The weekend was crazy. But that's pretty normal and since I live on a funny farm - it seems by now that would be an understood given. Just slather mud all over that and walk around falling on your butt alot in more mud and you basically have a picture of those could insert ghost popping out of closets, too, if you needed the extra adrenaline push but I'm quite okay without it and kinda easy to scare so, please, hold the ghosts on mine.
So, the snow is now all gone and mud is here and the list of things you must do before you cry and fall exhausted into bed hoping nothing wakes you up but also knowing it just probably will happen at least once has just gone from one page, though chocked full, to a spiral notebook of endless lines of things you didn't finish last year, things you must do this year, and things that you've been adding to the back of the list for 5-8 years....and on dwindling sleep because the days are longer and the nights are shorter and you can only derive so much sleep from those fewer hours if you're still being woken up all the time. A cat behaving badly, another cat de-mystifying the butter dish on the table and knocking it off even though it's handmade beautiful pottery that you scored and you treasure it. A kid - which is okay because that's part of the job but still, ya'll, it means being awake! Or any other number of things that could set the dogs off and have you tumble out of bed half awake thinking something grand must be going on and find out it was a noise off in the distance that just annoyed them.
By yesterday, I was feeling the fever in a pretty powerful way. Like, it took all the strength and compassion I had, plus biting my cheek on the side over and over, to keep from bursting into a full blown case of terrible twos in a 38 year old woman's body. Which, unless you've devoted much time to being ultimately attractive in that body by doing things like regular exercise, taking care of yourself, buying nice clothes that fit, accepting that to make them fit you have to know your size, and sleeping....I think sleeping is definitely in there somewhere, is really NOT CUTE. I wasn't sure I'd make it. After all, I'm in sock hell. I finished one pandora handspun sock but could.NOT.FIND the other ball of pandora and have been going out of my mind looking for it. I have one mardi gras sock done and need to finish the second, but have lost the red beads for it. Urgh and urgh and...stomped just two times like a terrible two before she quickly composed herself, again, and tried to pretend it didn't happen....Then, like magic, I got a package it the mail. I knew it was magic the minute I read the note on the back, "Josette's Emergency SpringThaw/CabinFever Rescue Package". Theresa (tarrilynn) sent me a super package of happy love. A handspun, hand-knit headband/neckwarmer which I love so much! And, the chickie knows me too well - chocolate, coffee, and a whole bunch of new teas to try once I stop sniffing them all because they smell so good. Tea is a full experience, ya know? You have to let all the senses have their fun. Girl, if you're out there, thank you so very much. Within one day of opening your package, the sun returned (which is the reason for the not so good picture that doesn't do justice to your lovely knitting and spinning AT ALL but I couldn't bear to close the curtain as we've had day after day of gray skies and rain), I found the pandora yarn - and have thought of at least 4 places I haven't searched for the red beads and shall once I've gotten a few things done, today. I know, it's this late in the day and I still have hope:)