Spinning, Knitting, Crocheting, Organic Gardening, Living off-grid, and chasing sheep - because- I'm, like, NOT SANE!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Santa is not a fat man in red velvet....

Wow! PICT0011Do you knitters rule the world or what? In between organization of pies, feastings, presents, wrapping paper, games and fun times with things 1,2, and 3 and, of course, hubster - I stop so briefly to say THANK YOU to the knitters who have and who are going to send hats, toys, and other knitted wares for Knit for the Kidlets. I have(finally) gotten my act together a bit and organized some prize distribution. You can read more about the 'business' of it all on the kidlet blog. But, here, I wanted to say that I know, once and for all, that Santa is not a fat man in red velvet. Santa is alive and well in the greater knitting world. I was in tears as I sat arranging all the hats and toys submitted so far for a couple of pictures to post here. This stuff 'oozes' a healing sort of love that comes from knowing that someone - anyone - out there in the wider world cares enough to make something very special. Be prepared for me to be begging items from you in the future for many other causes because, I have to say, this is so much fun! The giving game still happens. It makes simple folk like me - hopeful.