Fiber Playgrounds
Oh, I love fiber shows - and last weekend at Mass. Sheep and Wool was no exception. I met so many great people - some of whom I already knew but just didn't know it. There were blog readers, ravelers, old knitter friends, fellow fiber fiends, and new faces that were just so great that they felt like old friends after a chat and some communal fiber groping. It is so energizing to meet and laugh and talk shop with all of you - thanks so much for coming by!
And, no, I am not crazy - I happen to know that the pic that aligns this is NOT of any of said great peoples - but, instead, of the winning Cotswold ram. We didn't take our animals - too much hassle crossing state lines with livestock these days, but we felt warmed in the heart spot to see so many beautiful dread-locked cotswold beauties - here on the right is the queen to match beastly king. Aren't they a cute couple?
It was a long, exhausting trip and I was convinced the world was against me when I discovered Thursday evening that I'd be making the 6 +/- hour trip (EACH WAY) was to be made without the luxury of tunes of any sort. Sweet Thing 1 and I headed out with the courage that usually accompanies two women on the edge and she did her best to keep me from falling asleep on the way home (aided by a few gallons of coffee) by chatting incessantly like 15 yr. old girls are wont to do. So helpful was this angel of a child that I felt compelled to reward her - so I gave into the urge for fiber that had near reached a froth since (gasp!) my wheel wouldn't fit (reason and practicality both tried to permeate my optimism but I denied it until the morning we left and then cried for a minute or two - my first show EVER without my wheel). I headed down to Spunky Eclectic and got her a spindle (which you can see she set right to using and thoroughly loves!) and some gorgeous BFL roving that Boogie dyed in the 'toast' colorway. The rich, earthy tones are just the sort of colors that Thing 1 loves.
Somehow (it was like magic, honest!) this beautiful blue-green colorway called 'tie dye' jumped into my hands, did a dance and wiggle that suggested it was lacking in the virtue to control itself, and practically seduced me on the it is for me. Thing 1 won 2nd prize on her crocheted dragon with wings (yeah, thing 1!)
I also stumbled a bit and got some hand-carved buttons from the Wool Peddler. I love sari silk (duh, I hear ya'll say) but I also am very fond of Stephanie and her wool peddling friends.I'd write more, talk about everything that happened, and generally gab but I'm still dog tired from the whole shebang so I think I'll have some dinner and try to sleep...more knitting stuffs to come in a day or two but I leave you with one last 'awwww' moment. I came home tired as mentioned and found I had NO CLEAN SOCKS. That's the thing about 'going away' - where are the laundry elves when you need them? Fortunately, I have a friend that is sooo awesome I can't even describe. Lisa sent me a care package - some yummy knit wool socks - it's like this woman knows my very soul! Thanks a million, L - you just make my heart smile so often!